
Wordless 17


Idle Hands 1


Afghan Child 2019


Shy Girl Child 2021


Innocence of Why


Rosary of Imprisonment

“From the shadow you rise and in the shadow you set, my poor day:

your sadness takes me with frozen hands to dawn

and kills me each evening.

You die and return, always the same:

you have no past, you have no future…”

Oliveri, M. (1946). Rosary of Imprisonment. Agate Edizioni.

Mario Oliveri was a teacher, writer, poet, artist and one of over 600,000 Italian troops captured and interned after the Cassibile Armistice announced on September 8, 1943, interned and designated as “Italian Military Internees” thereby removing any protections provided to them through the 1929 Geneva Convention protections for Prisoners of War. Through his chapbook of poetry given to me by my cousin who also was an IMI and likely in the same labor camp for a time, I discovered this historical fact and the surprising silence that surrounds their resistance.

Pressenza Published Works

The NY Poor People’s Campaign: Fusion Power For All

Pressenza – Jan 2023: The NY Poor People’s Campaign: Fusion Power For All


Emerging Truths

12/19/22 – As prehistoric skeletal remains and footprints or old sunken ships are being revealed by receding waters through drought, (one part of Nature’s revenge), that which human beings deem as insignificant, makes its way into view its rightful place of recognition. A commemoration rests to be noticed in Florence, (Firenze), near La Fortezza, in the middle of one of the most historic cities in the world. (Grazie a Giuseppe Argentiero, & #IMI – Internati Militari Italiani)

#everynamecounts – ENC Arolsen Archives.


Freedom or free-for-all?

12/11/22 – These days have see-sawed between pleasantly warm and bone-chilling cold with enough humidity to make the back-and-forth sway dizzying for sensitive souls.

Since mid-November, I’ve noticed small flocks of Starlings, diving onto backyard feeders with no regard for any other birds already present. Their scruffy appearance defines as “non-breeding, immature adults” by the Cornell Lab of Ornithology–a consideration to apply to behaviors in the human species as well. Some characteristic behaviors of this particular breed give me pause for thought, especially with what we’ve witnessed since COVID descended into our lives globally at the end of the 2010 decade.

Unlike pairings of, let’s say, a savory Gorgonzola with Bosc pears, seemingly random individuals massed together bound by thoughts, (whether their own or of others), attitudes and actions. These all bubbled in full brew during in the middle of that decade. And now from the beginnings of the 2020 decade, some consequences mount to manifest.

Are there truths to the way life dips, dives, and rises, like the nature of these Starlings catapulting themselves on suet feeders without regard just to be first in line? Of course! Yet, for a good part of the human species, maintaining a thoughtful mindset, listening to one’s inner self, finding time for quiet can bring direction…and certainly more serenity. Set aside time for silence, to hear yourself think and feel. No one knows better than you what you truly want to fulfill your soul in life!


Thoughts in Words

Finding Clarity

Magnification and Resolution. In the world of inquiry, to better view and hopefully understand much of a busy, subsurface world, microscopes are used. Words from our depths can be considered in the same way! It is not enough to have one’s thoughts and words “magnified” as in today’s media, but also with “precise resolution” to verify what’s in focus. This calls for something deeper than image, word, or stats —