
An Evening of Contemplation

17 March 2024

Taking a walk on the evening of St. Patrick’s Day, I absorb the quiet in my neighborhood. Beautiful weather likely facilitates crowds at parades and people probably gather locally and in Manhattan for loud celebrations. Here, all is overbuilt, but serene.

Mockingbirds caw, laugh, mimick, upsetting the calm that seeks to be – much like the chaos that has been unleashed lately by humanity’s disregard for their own outlined path of stewardship.

Know Thy Place. Walk humbly. But instead so many impose, struggle to keep balance and tend to overrun, dominate, with little regard for others. Build bigger, taller, charge more, regardless of the overload on the system. Signs are visible in the neighborhood. Borders and boundaries stretched to limits, just because…paid in cash

The land will swell, rise, and fall. Sink holes will open to engulf and swallow neighborhoods because laws have been transformed for pieces of silver, as Earth is betrayed.

And the leaders in their neatly pressed business suits, dry-cleaned with toxicity, will feign ignorance and invent excuses. While many who have heard, listened, countered, and remembered for years will recognize and continue to proclaim their truth as laws change to bend for bankrolls.

By jjillgallery

Quietly seeking to meet Trust wherever Life leads, I understand service as key to gratitude and balance. Freshwater woodlands evoke the most serenity in me wherever they're found. I've shared space & time on terrain of my Ligurian and Oscan ancestors, feeling their souls guiding me, especially in silent contemplation. Today, after over thirty years of engagement in programs for children, secondary, university and adult learning, the gifts life brings on Long Island's Matinecock-Algonquin earth, I try to give & receive with grace.

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