
Thoughts in Words

Finding Clarity

Magnification and Resolution. In the world of inquiry, to better view and hopefully understand much of a busy, subsurface world, microscopes are used. Words from our depths can be considered in the same way! It is not enough to have one’s thoughts and words “magnified” as in today’s media, but also with “precise resolution” to verify what’s in focus. This calls for something deeper than image, word, or stats —

By jjillgallery

Quietly seeking to meet Trust wherever Life leads, I understand service as key to gratitude and balance. Freshwater woodlands evoke the most serenity in me wherever they're found. I've shared space & time on terrain of my Ligurian and Oscan ancestors, feeling their souls guiding me, especially in silent contemplation. Today, after over thirty years of engagement in programs for children, secondary, university and adult learning, the gifts life brings on Long Island's Matinecock-Algonquin earth, I try to give & receive with grace.

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